Andrew Dennehy, Managing Director of
PEW, pictured with the winning apprentice and the weighted car top control unit
LIFT ACADEMYOver 100 apprentices and trainees attended the
Lift Academy event in London on 13th February. This was an increase on the first event in November and many of the trainees had to stand as all of the seats were taken. David Cooper, founder of the academy, opened the event and welcomed them to the
CIBSE conference centre for the second time.
Dennis Major, UK product manager of
Pfeifer Drako gave a presentation about hoist ropes including different types, when to use each type, the benefits and disadvantages, lubrication requirements, common defects and how to detect them.
Plaistow Electrical Wholesalers (PEW) sponsored an event in which the apprentices were challenged to hold a weighted car top control unit at arms length. PEW presented the winning apprentice from
Titan Elevators with a Dewalt Electric Drill.
Adam Scott, Chairman of the
CIBSE lift group, gave a short talk about the group and its work.
David Cooper closed the meeting by thanking Pfeifer Drako for their sponsorship in providing the speaker, PEW for sponsoring the competition and CIBSE for their generous sponsorship of the event in terms of providing the conference facility and hospitality.
After the meeting David Cooper said
“I am overwhelmed by the support from the industry as a whole and the increasing number of apprentices who attended. It seems that the concept of the Academy is something that the industry want and to that end I will make sure that it continues”The event is scheduled to be repeated in Manchester during February and the following meeting will be in April where Global Lift Equipment will be presenting a talk about door gears.
Upcoming CIBSE Lift Group Events20 February 2008 Evening MeetingE1 Pariser Building, Manchester University, Sackville Street
17.30 Ropes Dennis Major, Pfeifer Drako
Wires and strands make ropes of various lays and constructions. The speaker will explain these mysterious aspects relating them to rope selection, wear and fatigue. He will finish by looking at modern trends to smaller diameters and lower D/d ratios.
18.15 Remote monitoringRichard Young, Liftstore
The correct functioning of a buildings lifts is crucial to everyday operation and key performance indicators dictate strict service availability levels. The ability to monitor a lift’s performance and be alerted to any status change is vital. The speaker will highlight the benefits and importance of lift remote monitoring.
22 April 2008 Evening MeetingCIBSE HQ, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS
17.30 Recruitment, Training and Competency of Engineer Surveyors
Richard Hulmes, SAFed SAFed member companies with the objectives of promoting safety and reducing risk, provide safety engineering inspection and assessment services both in the UK and internationally. These staff must have appropriate knowledge and understanding and must be comprehensively trained. In the lift industry these staff are the Competent Person under LOLER. The path to competence and its continuing professional development encouraging UKAS accreditation will be described.
18.00 Communication protocols for lift remote alarms to BS-DD265
Dr Gina Barney, Gina Barney Associates All lifts put into service under the Lifts Regulations must provide a means of contacting a permanently available rescue service. The requirements are prescribed in BS EN81-28: 2003. DD265 (Draft for Development) specifies requirements for a signalling protocol for communications between a lift alarm system and a rescue centre using DTMF signals. This presentation will describe how DD265 was developed.
CIBSE Special Interest GroupsMembership of Groups: CIBSE special interest groups are open to all whether a member of CIBSE or not and are free of charge to join.
Visit the CIBSE website at and select “Special Interest Groups”. The fourteen CIBSE Special Interest Groups are:
ASHRAEAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Website: ASHRAE Group is keen for the participation of all members and particularly those who have transatlantic experience in any aspect of the implementation of solutions in building services engineering.
Combined Heat & Power (CHP)Contact: Phil Jones on or 01737 371994
The CHP Group raises awareness and disseminates knowledge about both the technical and economic aspects of CHP including both conventional equipment and new developments such as fuel cells and micro CHP.
Daylight Contact: Graham Phillips on or 01306 885787
The Daylight Group provides a forum for members and non-members of CIBSE to meet and discuss issues relating to the daylighting of buildings. A wide variety of fields is represented with the Group, notably lighting designers and researchers, architects, manufacturers and academics.
Electrical ServicesContact: Tony Sung on or 0161 2004237 Website: work of the Electrical Services Group falls on a small number of CIBSE members, helped by liaison members linking the Group with the Lighting Division, IT & Controls Group, Lifts Group etc, and by representatives or organisations such as the IEE, the Electrical Contractors' Association and the Electricity Association.
Energy PerformanceContact: Phil Jones on or 01737 371994
The EP Group help building professionals become aware of the opportunities for energy saving within the buildings they are involved in - both new and existing – and encourage best practice in the use of passive solutions, new and developing technologies to reduce carbon emissions as part of their objectives.
Facilities ManagementContact: Geoff Prudence on or 01245 435559
The FM Group's expertise relates to the dynamic components of buildings on which occupants increasingly depend for their safety and well-being and on which many organisations rely for the continuous operation of their business systems and occupant satisfaction. The Group enables us to demonstrate the true worth of building services engineers to successful FM.
HealthcareContact: Frank Mills on or 0870 855 0601
The Healthcare Group aims to improve the performance of Healthcare buildings by increasing awareness amongst all building professionals and supporting the implementation of relevant Standards and legislation aimed at improving the effective use of Healthcare Buildings.
HeritageContact: Brian Roberts on 01737 812914 or Mike Barber on
mbarber647@aol.comand 01978 760775
Website: Heritage Group is the oldest of the specialist groups, set up by the Institution over 36 years ago to ensure that the early days of our industry's past is recorded.
Industry, Education and TrainingContact: Nick Mead on or 01628 413000
The Industry, Education and Training group aims to act as a forum for discussion, debate and promotion on matters of building services education philosophy, theory and practice and in particular to provide links between the education world and building services employers.
Information Technology (IT) & ControlsContact: Peter Warburton on or 020 7755 5555
The Group provides a forum for ideas, discussion, and education on all aspects of the design, specification, supply, installation and servicing of IT equipment and systems and intelligent building controls equipment and systems. Education of the group members, the CIBSE organisation and the contracting market are important targets.
Intelligent BuildingsContact: Eva D'souza on or 020 8774 2705
The IB Group emphasises the importance of the building services engineer in the design, management and operation of intelligent buildings and there are opportunities for a Technical Memorandum or Briefing Notes.
LiftsContact: Adam Scott on or 01628 623 423
Website: Lifts Group is formed of members who have an interest in vertical transportation. The group meets regularly to promote technical standards, training and education, publications and various aspects of the industry.
Natural VentilationContact: Prof Derek Croome on or 0118 931 1201
Much of the work of the Natural Ventilation Group is involved in dissemination of information and this is reflected in the seminar programme. Seminar topics have included productivity; avoiding the use of air-conditioning; mixed mode ventilation; the role of natural ventilation in intelligent buildings and the history of ventilation.
School DesignContact: Dejan Mumovic on Website: School Design Group aims to foster long-term knowledge and partnership between stakeholders working on sustainable school design, construction and maintenance.